Upgrading your HMC software
Learn how to upgrade the software on an HMC from one release
to the next while maintaining your HMC configuration data.
To upgrade machine code on an HMC, perform steps 1
through 9.
Step 1. Obtain the upgrade
You can order the HMC machine code upgrade through the Fix Central
Web site.
To obtain the upgrade through the Fix Central Web site, do the
- From a computer or server
with an Internet connection, go to the Hardware Management Console Web site at
- Click Continue. The Hardware Management Console
site is displayed.
- Navigate to the HMC version
you want to upgrade to.
- Locate the
download and ordering section.
Note: If you do not have
access to the Internet, contact IBM® service and support
to order the upgrade on DVD.
- Follow the on-screen prompts
to submit your order.
- After you have the upgrade,
continue with Step 2. View the existing HMC
machine code level.
Step 2. View the existing HMC machine code
To determine the existing level of machine code on
an HMC, follow these steps:
- In the
Navigation area, click Updates.
- In the Work area, view and record the
information that appears under the HMC Code Level heading, including the HMC
version, release, maintenance level, build level, and base versions.
- Continue with Step 3. Back up
the managed system's profile data.
Step 3. Back up the managed system's profile
To back up the managed system's profile data, do the
- In the Navigation area, select Systems Management.
- Select Servers.
- Select the server and ensure the state
is Operating or Standby.
- Under Tasks, select .
- Type a
backup file name and record this information.
- Click OK.
- Repeat these steps for each managed
- Continue with Step 4. Back up HMC data.
Step 4. Back up HMC data
Back up HMC data before installing a new version of
HMC software so that previous levels can be restored in the event of a problem
while upgrading the software. Do not use this critical console data after a
successful upgrade to a new version of the HMC software.
Note: To back up to
removable media, you will need to have that media available.
To back up HMC data, do the following:
- If you plan to back
up to media, perform the following steps to format the media:
- Insert the media into the drive.
- In the Navigation Pane, select Service
- Select Format Media.
- Select the media type.
- Select the format type.
- Click OK.
- In the Navigation area,
select HMC Management.
- Select Back up HMC Data. The Back up HMC Data window
- Select
an archive option. You can back up to media on a local system, a remote
system mounted to the HMC file system (for example, NFS), or send the backup to
a remote site using File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
- To back up to a local system, choose Back up to media on local system and follow the
- To back up to a mounted remote system, choose Back up to mounted remote system and follow the
- To back up to a remote FTP site, choose Send back up critical data to remote site and follow
the instructions.
- Continue with Step 5. Record the current HMC configuration
Step 5. Record the current HMC configuration
Before you upgrade to a new version of HMC
software, as a precautionary measure, record HMC configuration information.
To record the current HMC configuration, do the following:
- To view scheduled operations
for a managed system or its logical partitions, open Systems Management. If you want to record scheduled
operations for the HMC itself, select HMC
Management and skip to step 3.
- Select a managed system and
any partitions for which you want to record HMC configuration information.
- In the tasks list, select
Schedule Operations. All scheduled
operations for the target you selected are displayed.
- Select .
- Select each object and
record the following details:
- Object Name
- Schedule date
- Operation Time (displayed in 24-hour format)
- Repetitive (if Yes, perform the following steps):
- Select .
- Record the interval information.
- Close the scheduled operations window.
- Repeat for each scheduled operation.
- Close the Customize
Scheduled Operations window.
- Continue with Step 6. Record remote command status.
Step 6. Record remote command status
To record remote command status, do the following:
- In the navigation
area, select HMC Management.
- In the tasks list, click Remote Command Execution.
- Record whether the
Enable remote command execution using the ssh
facility check box is selected.
- Click Cancel.
- Continue with Step 7. Save upgrade data.
Step 7. Save upgrade data
You can save the current HMC configuration in a
designated disk partition on the HMC or to local media. Save upgrade data only
immediately prior to upgrading your HMC software to a new release. This action
allows you to restore HMC configuration settings after upgrading.
Note: Only one level of
backup data is allowed. Each time you save upgrade data, the previous level is
To save upgrade data, do the following:
- In the Navigation area,
select HMC Management.
- In the contents area under
Operations, select Save Upgrade Data. The Save
Upgrade Data Wizard opens.
- Select the media on which
you want to save the upgrade data. If you choose to save to removable media,
insert the media now. Click Next.
- Click Finish.
- Wait for the
task to complete. If the Save Upgrade Data task fails, contact your next
level of support before proceeding.
Note: If the save upgrade
data task fails, do not continue the upgrade process.
- Click OK.
- Continue with Step 8. Upgrade the HMC software.
Step 8. Upgrade the HMC software
To upgrade the HMC software, restart the system
with the removable media in the DVD drive.
- Insert the HMC Product
Installation media into the DVD drive.
- In the Navigation bar,
select HMC Management.
- In the contents area, select
Shutdown or Restart HMC.
- Ensure Restart the HMC is selected.
- Click OK. The HMC restarts and system information
scrolls on the window.
- Select Upgrade and click Next.
- Choose from the following
- If you have saved upgrade data during the previous task, continue
with the next step.
- If you did not save upgrade data previously in this procedure, you
must save the upgrade data now before you continue.
- Select Upgrade from media and click Next.
- Confirm the settings and
click Finish.
- Follow the prompts.
- If the screen goes blank, press the space bar to view the
- The first DVD can take approximately 20 minutes to install.
- At the login prompt, log in
using your user ID and password. The HMC code installation is complete.
- Continue with Step 9. Verify that the HMC machine code upgrade installed
Step 9. Verify that the HMC machine code upgrade
installed successfully
To verify that the HMC upgrade installed
successfully, do the following:
- In the Navigation area, click Updates. In the Work area, the HMC version, release,
maintenance level, build level, and base versions are displayed under the HMC
Code Level heading.
- Verify that the version and release
match the update that you installed.
- If the level
of code displayed is not the level that you installed, retry the upgrade task
using a new DVD. If the problem persists, contact your next level of
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