We started with a given AIX maintenance level on all of our systems, but now we've gotten out of sync. How can I use compare_report to synchronize my systems? Output from lslpp -Lc can be used to generate a list that can be used as input to the compare_report command.
To use the command, create a base_list by running:
lslpp -Lc > base_list
The base_list is the desired level that you want to synchronize with. For all other systems, create a similar list, such as lslpp -Lc > other_list."
Then use the compare_report command as follows to generate a report on the differences between the systems:
compare_report -b base_list -o other_list -h
To use the command, create a base_list by running:
lslpp -Lc > base_list
The base_list is the desired level that you want to synchronize with. For all other systems, create a similar list, such as lslpp -Lc > other_list."
Then use the compare_report command as follows to generate a report on the differences between the systems:
compare_report -b base_list -o other_list -h
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